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Select a zoning district to see the land uses that are allowed and what standards apply.
Commercial (C)
C-Node Commercial Node District 
CBTR Commercial, Business, Technology and Research 
CC Community Commercial District 
CC2 Community Commercial District 2 
CCBD Commercial Central Business District 
CMU Commercial, Mixed Use 
CN1 Commercial, (Local) Neighborhood 
CN2 Commercial, Neighborhood (Shopping Center) 
CNO Commercial, Neighborhood Office District 
CO Commercial, Office 
Form Based Zone
D1 Downtown 1 
D2 Downtown 2 
D3 Downtown 3 
LW1 Live-Work 1 District 
LW2 Live-Work 2 District 
N-Node Neighborhood Node District 
Manufacturing (M)
M1 Manufacturing, Limited 
M2 Manufacturing, General 
Residential (R)
RD-8 Residential, Duplex 
RD19 Residential, Duplex 
RM15 Residential, Multi-Dwelling 
RM15C Residential, Multi-Dwelling (Campus) 
RM24 Residential, Multi-Dwelling 
RM36 Residential, Multi-Dwelling 
RMHP Residential, Mobile Home Park 
RMU Residential, Mixed Use 
RS4 Residential Single-Dwelling District 
RS5 Residential Single-Dwelling District 
RS7 Residential Single-Dwelling District 
Special Purpose
IC Institutional Campus 
P Public District 
Planned Unit Development
PUD Planned Use Development 

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Overlay Districts
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Historic Preservation Overlay (HP-O)
Show Description
A. The overlay districts of this chapter are intended to apply in combination with the underlying base district to impose regulations and standards that address special geographic areas or land use issues.
B. In the event of conflict between overlay district regulations and the regulations of the underlying (base) district, the overlay district regulations govern. In all other cases, both the overlay district and base district regulations apply.
C. Overlay districts are established in accordance with the Zoning Map Amendment procedures of § A-8.3B, Amendments to Text of Ordinance or District Map.

The HP-O, Historic Preservation Overlay is intended to be applied to areas that are subject to the City's historic preservation ordinance. The regulations that apply within the HP-O are those contained within Chapter 16: Historic Districts, of the Kalamazoo Code of Ordinances. The local historic districts within the City of Kalamazoo are listed below:
1. Haymarket Historic District.
2. Rose Place Historic District.
3. South Burdick Historic District.
4. South Street/Vine Area Historic District.
5. Stuart Area Historic District.
See § 3.6: HP-O, Historic Preservation Overlay for more detailed information.
Natural Feature Protection (NFP)
Show Description
The intent of the NFP Overlay District is as follows:
(1) To protect natural features in the City of Kalamazoo, specifically wetlands, water resources, trees, woodlands, floodplains, slopes, natural heritage areas, and habitat corridors.
(2) To guide site development, balancing growth and redevelopment with the protection of our existing natural features.
(3) To create site designs that are responsive to the existing natural features and minimize impacts to the extent possible.
Northside Cultural Business District Authority
Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD-O)
Show Description
A. The overlay districts of this chapter are intended to apply in combination with the underlying base district to impose regulations and standards that address special geographic areas or land use issues.
B. In the event of conflict between overlay district regulations and the regulations of the underlying (base) district, the overlay district regulations govern. In all other cases, both the overlay district and base district regulations apply.
C. Overlay districts are established in accordance with the Zoning Map Amendment procedures of § A-8.3B, Amendments to Text of Ordinance or District Map.

The PUD-O, Planned Unit Development Overlay District regulations are intended to:
1. Promote consistency with the Comprehensive Plan;
2. Promote development that can be conveniently, efficiently and economically served by existing and planned utilities and services;
3. Promote design flexibility that results in greater public benefits than could be achieved using conventional district regulations;
4. Encourage the preservation of environmental and historic resources;
5. Promote a mix of attractive and functional residential and nonresidential developments that are compatible with surrounding development.

See § 3.4: PUD-O, Planned Unit Development Overlay District for more detailed information
Other Map Features
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National Register of Historic Districts
National Register of Historic Places
Paths and Trails
Street Type: City Connector (CC)
Street Type: Commercial Business (CB)
Street Type: Downtown Main (MS)
Street Type: Enhanced Neighborhood (EN)
Street Type: Event/Festival (E/F)
Street Type: Local Neighborhood (LN)
Street Type: Neighborhood Business (NB)
Street Type: Neighborhood Network (NN)
Street Type: Urban Center (UC)
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