MapLink™ Signs

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Any object including but not limited to banners, signs, street furniture, waste bins, newspaper boxes, works of art, either permanent or temporarily placed in or above the public right-of-way on sidewalk, alleys, or streets.
Alternating changes in light intensity caused by the sun shining through the moving blades of a wind energy system that casts shadows on adjacent properties and objects, such as the windows of a building.
A permanent, roof-like shelter that extends from part or all of a building face and is constructed entirely of noncombustible materials.
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A design or representation that is either (i) painted, (ii) drawn, or (iii) produced off-site and affixed in a structurally sound and workmanlike manner on the exterior wall of a building or structure that does not direct attention to a product, service, place, activity, person, institution, business or solicitation.
A structure, device, letter, word, model, banner, balloon, pennant, insignia, emblem, logo, painting, placard, poster, trade flag or representation, illuminated or nonilluminated, that is visible from a public place, including, but not limited to, highways, streets, or public property, or is located on private property and exposed to the public, that directs attention to a product, service, place, activity, person, institution, business or solicitation. Refer to Article 9: Signs.
The entire area within a circle, triangle, parallelogram or any other shape that encloses the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblem, logo or any other figure or similar character, together with any frame or other material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the background against which it is placed, excluding only the structure necessary to support the sign and decorative elements to enclose sign supports. Where the sign has two or more faces, the area of all faces shall be included in computing the area of the sign except:
a) If the sign contains two faces, the area of the sign shall be computed as the area of one face; and if such faces are of an unequal area, the larger of the two faces shall determine the area.
b) If the sign contains more than two faces (for example, a triangular sign with three distinct faces), the area of the sign shall be computed as the total area of all faces added together.
c) Where a sign consists solely of writing, representation, emblems, logos or any other figure of similar character that is painted or mounted on the wall of a building or a self-supporting wall or fence, without a distinguishing border, the area of such sign shall be computed as if it were framed by a border consisting of horizontal and vertical lines extending not more than six inches from such sign elements.
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A sign that no longer correctly advertises or directs a person to an active business, person, goods, product, activity or service.
A sign painted on, printed on or attached flat against the surface of an awning.
A sign displayed and affixed flat on the surface of a canopy and does not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of the canopy.
Includes both those with a message changed manually or automatically, the latter being defined as "electronic message displays."
A temporary/portable sign composed of a nonporous bag of tough, light material filled with unheated oxygen that may or may not float in the atmosphere.
A sign, other than a public building bulletin board, that is erected for a limited time to call attention to special events of interest to the general public and sponsored by nonprofit groups, associations or corporations.
A sign identifying the names of the project developers, contractors, engineers, architects and financial institutions, that is located on a site being developed or improved.
Any sign that serves to designate the location or direction of any place or area located on the premises on which the sign is located.
A sign that advocates or opposes a candidate for political office or an issue to be determined at an official federal, state, county, school or municipal election.
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SIGN, ELECTRONIC MESSAGE DISPLAY A sign or portion of a sign that displays an electronic image or video, which may or may not include text, including any sign or portion of a sign that uses changing lights or similar forms of electronic display, such as LED to form a sign message with text and/or images wherein the sequence of messages and the rate of change is electronically programmed and can be modified by electronic processes. This definition includes without limitation television screens, plasma screens, digital screens, flat screens, LED displays, video boards, and holographic displays. The following definitions are related to electronic message displays:
A type of message transition on an electronic message display sign created by varying the light intensity or pattern, where the first message gradually appears to fade away while another message appears.

A mode of message transition on an electronic message display sign created by varying the light intensity, where the message instantly and repeatedly reduces or increases intensity.

A mode of message transition on an electronic message display sign accomplished by the movement of a message.
A sign consisting of strings of exposed incandescent light bulbs, balloons or strings of pennants hung overhead to draw attention to items on display or a particular business establishment.
A sign (i) that contains an intermittent or flashing, shimmering, or blinking light, or (ii) that gives the illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of animation, mirrored surfaces, or an externally mounted intermittent light source, or (iii) that produces moving images through the use of video presentations or the creation of animated or moving images (such as "Jumbotron" light signs).
A sign erected on a freestanding frame, mast, or pole and not attached to a building.
The vertical distance measured from the ground immediately beneath the sign to the highest point of the sign or its projecting structure.
A temporary and portable sign composed of a nonporous bag of tough, light material filled with helium that may or may not float in the atmosphere.
A sign that provides artificial light directly on or through any transparent or translucent material from a source of light connected with such sign, or a sign illuminated by a light source so obscured and shielded that no direct rays from it are visible from a public right-of-way or from an abutting property.
A sign displayed on a marquee and does not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of the marquee.
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A freestanding sign that is comprised of a sign structure that includes multiple panels or signs for multiple users.
A sign that lawfully occupies a building or land that does not conform to the regulations of the zoning district in which it is located.
A sign other than an on-premises sign.
An off-premises sign containing not more than two sign faces located back-to-back and parallel to each other on the same structure.
A freestanding column, including associated supports and framework, that supports an off-premises sign independent of any building.
A sign identifying or advertising a business, person, activity, or service located on the premises where the sign is located.
Any sign that does not meet the definition of a "sign, temporary/portable."
A sign, other than a wall or marquee sign, that is perpendicularly attached to and projects from a structure or building face.
A sign pertaining to the sale, lease, or rental of a building or land.
A sign erected upon, against or directly above a roof, or on top of or above the parapet of a building.
A temporary A-frame sign, not secured or attached to the ground or any building or structure, composed of a sign panel and supporting structure or one or more panels that form both the structure and sign face, and that is intended to be placed in a sidewalk or pedestrian way.
A temporary sign that advertises a special event. This does not include signs held or supported by a human or animal, which are not permitted.
A sign, other than an on- or off-premises sign, including, but not limited to, traffic signs, rest room signs, vending machines, door-opening directions, residential merchandise sales signs, organizations and signs, such as Christmas decorations, used for a historic holiday and installed for a limited period of time.
A sign that advertises a residential or commercial subdivision.
A sign, installed on an arm or spar, that is not permanently fastened to an adjacent wall or upright pole and is prohibited.
A sign and sign structure
(a) that is not constructed or intended for long term use in a fixed location, or
(b) that is designed to facilitate the movement of the sign from one location to another, or
(c) that is not permanently affixed including, but not limited to, devices, such as balloons or other inflatable devices, flags, streamers, searchlights, twirling or sandwich signs, banners, posters, sidewalk or curb signs, signs mounted on or affixed to trailers or wheels of any type and strings of lights, but not including a seasonal sign.
The sign may or may not have wheels, changeable letters and/or hitches for towing.
A sign that is painted or attached directly to the wall or other exterior surface of a building, or is directly visible through and attached to the inside or outside of a window of a building, and that does not project more than 18 inches from the exterior surface, with the face of the sign running on a parallel plane to the exterior surface of the building wall.
When used in connection with Chapter 7 (Signs), a change in a sign or sign structure, as differentiated from maintenance or repair, including a change in height, location, area, shape or material, except that which occurs in manual or automatic changeable-copy signs.
The regulations in this article apply to signage throughout the City as follows:
A. Installation of a new sign, including an increase in the sign face or overall size of an existing sign.

B. Alteration of an existing sign's structure.
Sign regulations.
Permits required. A permit is required as follows:
(1) Sign permit. Except as exempted by this article, a permit is required for the installation or alteration of a sign.
(2) Temporary encroachment permit. A temporary encroachment permit is required for those signs that may be in or projecting over the public right-of-way or other public property. This permit is obtained from and approved by the Right-of-Way Coordinator in Public Services.

Signs must conform to the standards set forth at Chapter 9, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article II, Building Code, Division 3, Signs, of the Kalamazoo City Code of Ordinances.

Sign location. Unless otherwise specified in this article, all signs shall be located within the boundaries of a lot or parcel and are not permitted in the right-of-way or other public property, except as permitted by this article.

Calculation of sign size. Refer to Figures 9.1-1 to 9.1-3.
Exempt signs. See § 50-9.3E for details.
Illumination. See § 50-9.3F for details.
Maintenance, repair, and removal. Any sign found to be unsafe, insecure, or a danger to the public health, safety, and welfare or that has been constructed, erected, or maintained in violation of the provisions of this article will be considered in violation. The owner will be required to make the sign safe, secure, and otherwise brought into compliance with this and other applicable codes. Refer to Chapter 9, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article II, Building Code, Division 3, Signs, of the Kalamazoo City Code of Ordinances.
IC and PUD District signs. An Institutional Campus Master Plan or PUD Plan may permit an increase in the sign allowance for the number of signs; the total sign area; and the height of any sign by up to 25% of the standards in this article.
Compliance with applicable state statutes. Public Act 106 of 172, being the Highway Advertising Act[1] and Public Act 342 of 2010[2] regulating signs advertising sexually oriented businesses are adopted by reference, and nonconformance with their provisions is a violation of this article, and subject to enforcement under this chapter.
Nonconformance. A sign that does not conform to the standards in this article is considered a nonconforming site characteristic. Refer to § 50-1.4: Nonconformances.
Changeable copy signs. Changeable copy signs include both those with a message changed manually or automatically, the latter being defined as "electronic message displays (EMD)."
(1) Size. Changeable copy signs are permitted as follows:
(a) Up to 25% of a wall sign face.
(b) Up to 50% of a freestanding sign face.
(c) Up to 75% of a marquee sign face.
(2) Electronic message displays (EMD). EMD signs have messages or images that dissolve, fade, flash, or scroll.
(a) A displayed message may not change more often than every 10 seconds.
(b) Permitted transition between images or messages include fading in and out of content and horizontal scrolling. Any other type of scrolling, transition, or movement of images or text is prohibited.
This article seeks to establish a comprehensive set of sign regulations that promote effective communication. Specifically, this article will:
A. Support the businesses, organizations, and industry of Kalamazoo through reasonable, orderly, and effective display of signage.
B. Preserve the aesthetic appearance of public spaces by assuring compatibility between scale, building form, and land use.
C. Preserve, protect, and promote public safety.
D. Establish regulations that take land use, street type, and context into consideration.